This two-day event is the first Galway Digital Cultures Initiative conference, and will take place at the National University of Ireland, Galway, 11-12 May 2017. The conference is hosted by the Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies. The event focuses on the various contexts for the production, dissemination and reception of digital literature in … Continued

Conference | AFIS (Association of Franco-Irish Studies) : Patrimoine/Cultural Heritage in France and/or Ireland

Programme Abstracts of Accepted Papers Accommodation & Travel Register here France has always been a country which cherishes its writers, artists, musicians and intellectuals. It positively discriminates in favour of its cultural heritage, because it realises the extent to which patrimonie is what attracts such huge numbers of visitors to the Hexagon. Ireland, on the … Continued

JE | “Démocratie et résolution de conflits internes : aspects théoriques et rôle(s) des médias : Irlande du Nord, Catalogne, Pays Basque”

Democracy and Internal Conflict Resolution: Theoretical Aspects and the Role of the Media. Northern Ireland, the Basque Country, Catalonia As part of the MIMMOC’s Conflict/Post-conflict research objective, this day conference aims to contribute to both a reflection and scientific cooperation on two themes related to conflicts and their resolution. As is demonstrated by the Northern … Continued

Conference | “New Community Perspectives on Northern Ireland : History, Culture and Politics” , mardi 4 avril 2017 à 18h00

Conférence | “New Community Perspectives on Northern Ireland : History, Culture and Politics” Intervenants : Helen Brooker (Pretani Associates), « Common Identity. » Dr Ian Adamson OBE, Former Lord Mayor of Belfast, « The Isles of the Pretani – The French Connection. » Robert Williamson (Chair of Dalaradia Historical Organisation), « Dalaradia, Kingdom of the Cruthin (Pretani). » Date : Mardi 4 avril … Continued

Congrès SOFEIR | “Réseaux et connexions”, U. Caen 17-18 mars 2017

Inscriptions en ligne ici Les règlements peuvent éventuellement être faits sur place ou par voie postale. http://www.unicaen.fr/recherche/mrsh/eribia/4221 Vendredi 17 mars 2017 9h – Accueil des participants (MRSH) 9h15 – Ouverture du Congrès (Amphi, MRSH) : Pierre Denise, Président de l’Université 9h30 : Table ronde – modératrice : Anne Goarzin (Amphi, MRSH) : « Mises en réseau et connexions : nouveaux paradigmes pour les … Continued

SAES | Atelier Irlande : “Reconstruction(s), 1-3 juin 2017, Université de Reims

Responsables Sylvie Mikowski (Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne) et Philippe Brillet (Université Toulouse 2, Jean Jaurès) Programme Vendredi 2 juin, 9h-11h 9h-9h20 Chloé Lacoste (Université Paris 4-Sorbonne), « (Re)construire la nation : rituels funéraires et construction d’une identité républicaine pour l’Irlande dans la deuxième moitié du XIXème siècle » 9h20-9h40 Charlotte Barcat (Université Picardie-Jules Verne), “The Bloody Sunday Inquiry: reconstructing … Continued

SOFEIR 2018 •  Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 15-16 March 2018

FROM IRISH LAND TO IRISH SOIL: MATERIALITY AND METAPHORS Much has been written on the Irish landscape seen from various vantage points whether it be that of nationalist ideology and identity construction or that of territory and conflicted terrains. But what about the materiality of the land, the soil, the various strata that make up … Continued

Foucault in Ireland, 24 March 2017, The Royal Irish Academy

This one-day symposium reviews the engagement of Irish Studies with the work of Michel Foucault. It begins with a roundtable on the recent work of Stuart Elden: Foucault’s last decade (Polity 2016), Foucault: the birth of power (Polity 2017). This is followed by papers on Foucault’s influence in various areas of Irish academic study including: … Continued

CFP | Annual Conference of the French Society for Irish Studies (SOFEIR), University of Caen Normandy, 17-18 March 2017: “Networks and connections”

The concept of networks derives from the image of a net, i.e. a set of intertwined lines, an image that has been applied to many different fields over time: the textile industry, anatomy, military fortifications, topography, economic geography, etc. In the 19th century the word acquired a sociological meaning, to indicate a group of people … Continued

Congrès SAES |  Atelier Irlande, Reims, 1-3 juin 2017 : RECONSTRUCTION(S)

Responsables Sylvie Mikowski (Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne) et Philippe Brillet (Université Toulouse 2, Jean Jaurès) Programme Vendredi 2 juin, 9h-11h 9h-9h20 Chloé Lacoste (Université Paris 4-Sorbonne), « (Re)construire la nation : rituels funéraires et construction d’une identité républicaine pour l’Irlande dans la deuxième moitié du XIXème siècle » 9h20-9h40 Charlotte Barcat (Université Picardie-Jules Verne), “The Bloody Sunday Inquiry: reconstructing … Continued