Hedwig schwall (KU Leuven) cherche des contributions françaises au projet « translating Anne Enright ».
Si vous êtes intéressé.e, vous pouvez la contacter à l’adresse suivante : hedwig.schwall [at] kuleuven.be
Plus d’infos ci-dessous :
We are getting into full gear now with the Translation project celebrating Anne Enright, but have not heard yet from any French initiative. Would you know of any students (or colleagues & their students) who would be interested in translating one of the texts? As you see on the website we have all kinds of texts on offer, in different sizes, some extremely short, others two pages or more, one a short story: see Originals | Anne Enright – Efacis.
We aim to have at least translations from all EU countries and so hope that the board members encourage people in the countries they represent. So far we have many of the smaller countries but nothing from France.
Henri Bloemen (dean of the Translation Department in Antwerp & Leuven) and I are coorganising this world-wide project; we will gladly answer any queries you might have.