24 mars 2017, 11H-13H
Le séminaire est ouvert à tout public dans la limite des places disponibles.
Campus Tertre, Faculté des Langues et Cultures Étrangères (FLCE)
Amphi. 410 (rdc)
Université de Nantes
Chemin la Censive du Tertre
BP 81227
44312 NANTES Cedex 3
Le CRINI organise un séminaire “Paysages” autour de l’écoféminisme avec Maureen O’Connor, chercheuse-invitée de l’Université de Cork. Il aura le lieu le vendredi 24 mars 2017 à la Faculté des Langues et cultures étrangères.
This presentation will introduce students to ecofeminist theory and consider the implications for the practise in an Irish context. I will be asking whether, for example, ecofeminism is helpful in considering the recent discovery of the remains of 796 babies and toddlers on the grounds of a former mother-and-baby home in Tuam, County Galway. To conclude, together we will analyse a poem, “Scríob,” by Irish poet, Moya Cannon, in which the discovery of bones inspires ruminations on not only death but also on art and language, their limits and possibilities.
Maureen O’Connor lectures in the School of English in University College Cork. Author of The Female and the Species: The Animal in Irish Women’s Writing (2010), she has also edited and co-edited several essay collections and special journal issues and has published widely on
Irish women writers and the environment.
Le 23 mars, Maureen O’Connor donnera également une conférence sur le féminisme irlandais et le végétérianisme : “Animal Souls and Votes for Women: Intersections between Diet and Politics in the Work of First-Wave Irish Feminists”