Webinaire HDEA 15 avril 2021 – “Emerging from the historical shadow: Irish women and the Great War” – Fionnula Walsh

Dans le cadre du séminaire de HDEA (Sorbonne Université), Fionnuala Walsh (University College Dublin), donnera une communication par visioconférence le jeudi 15 avril à 14h sur le thème suivant : “Emerging from the historical shadow: Irish women and the Great War” (en lien avec l’ouvrage qu’elle a publié en 2020 sur la question chez Cambridge … Continued

“Chicago: an Irish-American Metropolis? Politics, Ethnicity, and Culture from 1830s to the present Time”, 21-23 June 2021, Paris

A partnership between the universities of Chicago, Caen Normandie and Paris. Registration: http://uchicagoparis.eventbrite.fr/ Organizational Committee: James Chandler (University of Chicago); Arnaud Coulombel (University of Chicago Center in Paris); Thierry Dubost (Université de Caen Normandie); Paul Schor (Université de Paris) Keynote Speakers: James Barrett, Professor of History, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign David Brundage, Professor … Continued

PUB Les espions de sa Majesté – Histoire du renseignement britannique

L’ouvrage Les espions de sa Majesté – Histoire du renseignement britannique, écrit par Emilie Berthillot, vient de paraître aux Editions Ellipses, Collection Histoires et Mythes. Il est disponible dans toutes les librairies et sur les plateformes de e-commerce. Emilie Berthilliot est MCF à l’université de Lille.

Performance, Modernity and the Plays of J. M. Synge – Hélène Lecossois

Recently published: Hélène Lecossois, Performance, Modernity and the Plays of J. M. Synge, Cambridge University Press, 2020. Irish Revivalist playwright J. M. Synge is often regarded as a realist. Yet what happens when his work is analysed through wider performance studies and situated alongside less familiar historical contexts? By addressing this question, Hélène Lecossois offers … Continued

SOFEIR online annual conference, 20-21 May 2021, Université Paris Nanterre

Strange Country – Ireland in politics and culture, 1998-2020 Those who have already forwarded an abstract in response to the first “call for papers” do not have to make a second submission. They will be contacted by the organisers. Please note the new dates and new organisation: Online SOFEIR annual conference 20-21 May 2021 Deadline … Continued

CFP Royal Irish Academy, “International politics in times of risk and uncertainty: the COVID-19 crisis and beyond”, online conference, 29 April 2021

The Royal Irish Acedmy welcome proposals from scholars in all academic disciplines, as well as current and retired practitioners in foreign policy, government and civil society for the Royal Irish Academy’s Annual International Affairs Conference which will be held online on Thursday, 29 April 2021 on the theme of ‘International politics in times of risk … Continued

Webinar 17 Dec 2020 – Sharing Irish Digital Data in a European Context

The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) has been working with Europeana, a digital platform that allows European institutions to reach a broader audience by sharing their social and cultural heritage data online, since Jan 2019 as the Irish partner in Europeana’s Common Culture Project. On 17 Dec, DRI is hosting a webinar to mark the … Continued

Vacations civilisation britannique – Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Chambéry

Le Département LLCER, section Anglais, de l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Chambéry, recherche des vacataires pour le deuxième semestre à partir du 18 janvier 2021 pour des cours de civilisation britannique. Les cours peuvent se donner en distanciel : il n’est donc pas obligatoire de se déplacer à Chambéry Les cours à pourvoir sont les suivants … Continued

BOURSE Newcastle University et Queen’s University Belfast

Newcastle University et Queen’s University Belfast proposent actuellement une bourse pour un projet doctoral lié à l’étude du Tape Recorded Survey of Hiberno-English Speech (TRSHES). Vous trouverez les informations ci-dessous. Funded PhD studentship: ‘Eavesdropping on our past: Mapping the oral soundscape of Northern Irish English’. Location: Newcastle University and Queen’s University Belfast Newcastle University and … Continued

PUB Poems from Pandemia

Southword Editions a récemment publié le volume Poems from Pandemia, qui comprend notamment un poème de Shirin Jindani, membre de la SOFEIR et auteure d’une thèse sur Paul Muldoon soutenue en 2019. Shirin est actuellement ATER au département d’anglais à l’université Rennes 2. Poems from PandemiaEdited by Patrick CotterSouthword Editions, 145 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-82-5Price: €12(free … Continued