‘Non-Violent Resistance: Irreverence in Irish Culture (Vol.1)’ & ‘Non-Violent Resistance: Counter Discourse in Irish Culture (Vol.2)’

The volume ‘Non-Violent Resistance: Irreverence in Irish Culture’ by Agnès Maillot, Jennifer Bruen and Jean-Philippe Imbert scrutinises Irish culture through the lens of humour, contributing to an alternative, and sometimes irreverent, reading of events. Humour, by its very nature controversial, plays an important role in social interaction. With its power to question assumptions, it can … Suite

Representing Revolutions in Irish Culture

Un nouveau numéro de RISE vient d’être publié (vol.2, n°2, 2018) Representing Revolutions in Irish Culture Vous  trouverez l’index ci-dessous: Opening Material i – ii Introduction Seán Crosson, Veronica Johnson, Rod Stoneman 1 – 4 1916 and Other Risings: John Ford’s ‘The Plough and the Stars’ (1936) Charles Barr 5 – 18 ‘With the Eyes … Suite

L’IRA et le conflit nord-irlandais

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer de la parution de L’IRA et le conflit nord-irlandais, écrit par notre collègue Agnès Maillot (DCU), et publié par les Presses Universitaires de Caen (avril 2018): «Alors que l’on célèbre les vingt ans des accords de paix en Irlande du Nord, souvent cités en exemple comme modèle de … Suite

Revisiting the UK and Ireland’s Transatlantic Economic Relationship with the United States in the 21st Century

  Revisiting the UK and Ireland’s Transatlantic Economic Relationship with the United States in the 21st Century Beyond Sentimental Rhetoric Editors: Groutel, Anne, Pauwels, Marie-Christine, Peyronel, Valérie (Eds.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 This book revisits the economic relationship that ties the UK and Ireland to the United States in the aftermath of the greatest economic crisis … Suite

Civil War and Narrative Testimony, Historiography, Memory

  Civil War and Narrative Testimony, Historiography, Memory   Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 Editors: Deslandes, Karine, Mourlon, Fabrice, Tribout, Bruno (Eds.)   This book explores the representation of intra-state conflicts. It offers a distinctive approach by looking at narrative forms and strategies associated with civil war testimony, historiography and memory. The volume seeks to reflect current … Suite

Voyages between France and Ireland: Culture, Tourism and Sport

NEW BOOK FROM PETER LANG   Voyages between France and Ireland: Culture, Tourism and Sport Edited by Frank Healy and Brigitte Bastiat Oxford: Peter Lang 376 pp. | ISBN 978-3-0343-2264-5 | €55.60 The voyage – the quest, the odyssey, the expedition – is one of the driving forces of civilisation. From ancient times to the … Suite

Paris – capital of Irish culture France, Ireland and the Republic, 1798–1916

Paris – capital of Irish culture France, Ireland and the Republic, 1798–1916 Pierre Joannon & Kevin Whelan, editors Hardback €45.00 Catalogue Price: €50.00 ISBN: 978-1-84682-651-1 Coming October 2017. 288pp; colour ills. This collection explores the influence of France on the evolution of Irish political and cultural thought from the eighteenth century, showing how the convergence … Suite

Otrante N°41: Ecosse et Irlande Fantastiques (Kimé)

Vient de paraître aux éditions Kimé: Otrante N°41: Ecosse et Irlande Fantastiques Printemps 2017 Responsables éditoriales: Catherine Conan et Camille Manfredi SOMMAIRE Catherine CONAN et Camille MANFREDI Ecosse et Irlande fantastiques I – TEXTES FONDATEURS Pierre-Alexandre BONIN Urbanité et modernité chez Stevenson et Stoker Raphaël LUIS « A Sound in the wind » : les … Suite

Publication |  Relocated Memories: The Great Famine in Irish and Diaspora Fiction, 1846-1870

Relocated Memories: The Great Famine in Irish and Diaspora Fiction, 1846-1870 Marguérite Corporaal Hardcover $65.00L    |    978-0-8156-3498-0 Paper $34.95s    |    978-0-8156-3513-0 ebook 978-0-8156-5398-1 “Corporaal’s focus on the surprisingly extensive literature produced in the two decades after the Famine shatters many settled assumptions about Irish cultural amnesia, while her study of the transformations of memory across … Suite

Publication | Marie Mianowski, « Post Celtic Tiger Landscapes in Irish Fiction »

Post Celtic Tiger Landscapes in Irish Fiction discusses the representations of place and landscape in Irish fiction since 2008. It includes novels and short stories by William Trevor, Dermot Bolger, Anne Enright, Donal Ryan, Claire Kilroy, Kevin Barry, Gerard Donovan, Danielle McLaughlin, Trisha McKinney, Billy O’Callaghan and Colum McCann. In the light of writings by … Suite

Publication | A. Poulain, « Irish Drama, Modernity and the Passion Play »

This book discusses Irish Passion plays (plays that rewrite or parody the story of the Passion of Christ) in modern Irish drama from the Irish Literary Revival to the present day. It offers innovative readings of such canonical plays as J. M. Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World, W. B. Yeats’s Calvary, Brendan Behan’s The Hostage, … Suite

Publication | Estelle Epinoux, Frank Healy (eds.) « Post Celtic Tiger Ireland Exploring New Cultural Spaces »

Contents This collective volume provides the reader with an exploration of various artistic works which grew out of the post Celtic Tiger era in Ireland. The different cultural fields of interest studied in this book include theatre, photography, poetry, painting, and cinema, as well as commemorative spaces. These different cultural voices enable one to explore … Suite